Kern County, CA
County Administrative Office MenuBudget and Finance
The Board of Supervisors has designated the Chief Administrative Officer as the official responsible for annually preparing a recommended budget for all funds under the budgetary authority of the Board. County departments submit requests for funding each year, which the County Administrative Office then compiles and prioritizes against the estimated revenues used to fund County services and presents the resulting recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for consideration.
Powered by PowerBI, the OpenKern Transparency Portal provides user-friendly access to Kern County's financial data. The OpenKern Transparency Portal provides employees and residents alike with the ability to see the County's current three years of expenditures.
Contains the Annual Disclosure Reports and other investment information.
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) established the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSFRF) and Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF). Kern County received a share of the CLFRF with eligible uses and restrictions. Through Board of Supervisor approval, the County Administrative Office has developed a plan which focuses largely on the internal impacts of COVID-19, its impact on the County services delivered to the community, and important one-time capital projects needed throughout the community. View our Community Investment Dashboard to see which priorities were identified, where funds have been committed and what projects are in progress or complete.